Budget Pet Care

Showing posts with label family fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family fun. Show all posts

What Are the Seven Blessings of the Unemployed?

So you haven't worked for a while, and things have not been easy.   However, despite the negatives there are many positives or blessings to be grateful for.   Here are seven reasons to be happy:


  • With limited funds you are forced to prioritize your entire life.  How?  Realistically, with less money your budget will eliminate your "wants" and keep your "needs."  You now can focus on the more important things in your life.
  • You have much more time to spend with your family; you also have a lot more time for yourself to meditate and process life's changes.  You may want to set some new goals.
  • Consider new ways to entertain your family and friends.  Instead of going on expensive excursions, have family night with friends.  Game night together with some popcorn can be great fun.
  • Extra time to volunteer.  Taking your mind off of your problems and looking to see what you can do to help others is another source of happiness.  There is More Happiness in Giving Than There Is In Receiving--Volunteer at a woman's shelter, animal shelter, or whatever cause moves you.  Just do it.  This may be the single most positive change in your life.
  • Eat less meat and more vegetables and fruit.  Many health experts agree that less red meat is the way to go for a healthier you.  This should also fit into your budget quite nicely.
  • Exercise and fresh air should be your daily routine.  No more crammed days leaves you time to get out and either walk, run, or bike.  Perhaps all three once you get your second wind!
  • Time to take up that hobby you always wanted to do.  If it's too expensive, pick a new one.  I personally like to write poetry--it cost nothing but a pencil and paper.
So here are seven great reasons to be happy.  Less money can actually equal  a better quality of life.  Isn't that what we all want?