Budget Pet Care


Is Your Boss Driving You Crazy

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Is your boss driving you crazy? Although most of our employers are great people, some of them were never meant to be a supervisor or a boss.  As you know, it is a skill to teach, motivate, and supervise an employee. If you are the owner of your own company you certainly can appreciate the challenges you face communicating with each and every worker you have. However, if you are the recipient of a bad-boss-scenario, when is it time to pack up and go? How bad is bad?

Here are some situations that might send you packing:

1.  Your boss openly degrades your work and job knowledge in front of other employees although you have asked him privately not to.

2.  Your boss has given you a workload that is beyond reasonability, exceeding all human limits. This problem is not a one-time project.

3.  Extreme personality differences.  This is a tough one.  The boss reads your explanations as insubordination while you just want them to understand your reasoning.  

4.  Your boss continually changes policy in mid-stream making you look like the idiot.

5.  Your boss is the final authority. As such there is nobody else you can take your concerns to.

6.  Unfortunately, there are times when jealousy can be a factor.  You might know more than your boss on the subject.  

7.  NO matter how hard you try, your boss feels you do everything wrong. 

At this point, no doubt you have addressed your concerns with the appropriate party.  However, if there are no legal issues, and nothing has changed, then consider changing jobs.  If you are waking up with the dread of another day at work, then move on.  Some situations no matter how hard you individually try will not change.  Chalk it off as a learning experience, not a failure.

Mental abuse on a daily basis can wear heavily on your health.  It may not be easy getting another job.  What to do?  Start applying and sending out resumes to other employers.  Hang in as long as you can at your present job until you get another one.  Develop patience and self-control to make it through the last of your bad-boss-scenario days. 

Don't try and defend yourself.  At this point it just doesn't work; you know you are a good worker. What else?  If possible give your notice and leave the job with as little strained feelings as possible. Stay professional and keep your emotions in check. Remember, you will find the right fit. Stay positive. Your new job is just around the corner. 

Whether Employed or Not--Starting and Keeping a New Habit Is Challenging

It's always challenging when we decide to start something new, like a habit, in our life.  Of course, if you are currently working, your hours may already be strained with other essential commitments.  If you are currently looking for work, in the unemployed lines, then the time is there to start developing a positive habit but not necessarily the desire.  In both instances, here are a few tips that may help you kickstart a new habit that in time could profit your health, happiness, and pocketbook.

1.  Work on one habit at a time. Start small.  At times, we get an idea to do something and we go to the extreme on it. It must be a human thing.  However, we soon get discouraged because we can't finish the task we set out to complete.  Shoot low and reasonably.  If you want to add more vegetables to your diet that is currently deficient, then start with one added vegetable a day.  If you have left off juicing because time has gotten away from you, then start with a fresh juice every three days. Remember at first to keep the habit small and consistent.

2.  Have a good reason for this new habit.  In other words, concentrate on why you are starting this habit and its benefits.  Post a note in an obvious location as to the benefits of this new habit. Motivation, although small, can work its magic.  Perhaps you have trouble smiling and want to smile more.  Yes, nobody likes a grouch.  Try and make one person smile back at you when you smile at them. Do daily. Now you have brightened your day and theirs.  I'd say that's a good reason to continue your smiling habit.

3. Share or not to share with a friend.  Personally for me sharing doesn't always work. The added pressure of someone watching does not help me.  I do better if I keep it to myself if I am starting a new regimen or habit.  Believe me, I can be pretty tough on myself. However, some people need to share with someone.  Sharing with a buddy can help many people to continue their habit and stay accountable.  Just make sure you and your buddy have open communication or it will not help.

4. Don't give up or view as failure.  I could quote some sayings here, but basically it has been said that a new habit takes 21 days to form.  Don't look at it as failure.  Look at as a learning experience, especially about yourself.  You are learning what works and what doesn't work for you.

5.  Not all habits are equal.  Some habits that we need to form are of a serious nature and can be critical in our life.  A lifetime habit can be hard to stop while trying to incorporate a new one.  More serious things should be regulated and consulted with by professionals.

6.  Have a sense of humor.  Finding laughter in a new habit can lighten the air and actually help you to stay on track.  As with all things in life. laughter can get you through the smallest and biggest problems of life.

So my friend, start with one facet of your new habit, start small, reason on its benefits, don't give up, and by all means, learn to laugh at yourself (the good, bad, and ugly).  Remember, most good habits will lead to positive things such as better health, happiness, and possibly a profitable pocketbook.  

Sharpen Your Interviewing Skills

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Oh the joys of going on a new job interview.  You know--the sweating palms and racing heart.  Can you prepare in a way that may shave off some of the fear and lack of confidence?  Yes.  Here is a link to a free video with additional training and information that may help you.  There are some great testimonials by people that have applied the advice in the video.  Let me know if this video helps you personally. The video is by Deniz Sasal. Here is the Landing Interviews Video.