Budget Pet Care

Showing posts with label unemployed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unemployed. Show all posts

Seven Reasons Why I'm Never Lonely

 You can be alone, but not feel lonely. How?

                    Photo by Author            

I originally wrote this article on Medium.com in 2019. However, I came across this article recently realizing that with the Pandemic many people have suffered through isolation and loneliness. The article below will explain how you can be alone but not feel lonely whether employed or unemployed. I hope it helps.

I have been single, married, lived alone, and lived with other people. Whatever the timeframe in my life, I can’t remember ever being lonely.

Except once…

That exception was when I lived in Key West, Florida. An island surrounded by water on all sides, nestled in the ocean. For a few days I experienced a deep emptiness crawling inside of me. As fast it came was as fast as it left.

Currently, I am single with plenty of work to do. Working part-time, helping out my kids, and volunteering keeps me very busy. I also choose not to date. Consequently, people have often asked me if I get lonely. Easy answer. No.

After giving this some thought, I have come up with at least 7 reasons in my life for not feeling lonely. You may recognize some of these in your own life.

  1. Mindset. I never think about being lonely. Negative thoughts can trigger negative emotions.
  2. Don’t live in the past. Sometimes the past can start you thinking about regrets in your life. Those regrets, perhaps in relationships, can trigger a feeling of loneliness. Live in the moment.
  3. Communicate and talk to other people, including strangers. This takes the focus off of yourself. Find enjoyment in people.
  4. Develop spirituality. This should be at the top of my list. Open prayer and communication with the Creator. A spiritual person is focused on building inner qualities.
  5. Laugh a lot. Taking things too serious can be a drain on your emotions.
  6. Volunteer. Statistics show that people that volunteer are happier and healthier. When you are helping others, there is no time to think about being lonely.
  7. Do something that makes you happy every day. It doesn’t need to be something big. Positive direction.

I do not work in the medical field. However, I hope that a few of these points can help you if you are feeling lonely.

Always seek professional help if your loneliness is plummeting or your negative feelings are out of control.

Unemployed Take Your Pet Blinders Off

No text today from your favorite pet saying they’re not feeling well. However, they may be sending you signals something is wrong. Are your pet blinders on or off?

Looking back at my favorite cat,Supa, I can honestly say my pet blinders were on. Supa was my pal, companion, and travel buddy when I moved from Ohio to Florida. He definitely was a one person cat that did not want to be picked up by anyone or cuddled. He could be quite mean if he didn’t want to be bothered. Due to his disposition, his distancing himself could at times seem normal. It wasn’t. Something was off.

Just before he disappeared I was preoccupied with personal problems. When problems arise we sometimes fail to see other important issues surrounding us. Unfortunately, that was the case with Supa. My neighbor mentioned that he seemed listless and different. Of course, I dismissed this as just being a little extra tired…getting older.

My neighbor may have been right. While basking in the sun on the porch one morning, Supa disappeared. Flyers covered the small town in Florida as I frantically tried to find him. He would never have just wandered off without returning unless something was wrong. Months passed. No Supa. No closure.

Yes, there are many scenarios as to what may have happened to him. In my mind though looking back there may have been signals that I didn’t pay attention to. He was sleeping more, a little more picky in his eating habits, and more cranky than usual. I didn’t notice the signs at the time. I was told Supa may have wandered off to die.

In any event, there is a solid learning lesson here. Don’t let your personal problems form blinders as to what is happening to others, including your beloved animals. When habits change suddenly or gradually it may be time to take a closer look.

Our animals give us a lot in return for the little that we do for them. Let’s do all we can to help them live a long and healthy life.

This article was originally published at Medium.com on December 25, 2019.Writers'

For those of you unemployed, it is a challenge financially to take care of yourself and your family. Taking care of your dog or cat is also a responsibility that must be met.

Most cities have charitable clinics that offer services at a much lower rate than the general veterinarian's prices. In addition, there are many online sites that offer pet products at a reasonable amount. I have a link at the top of this blog to Budget Pet Care (free shipping) that you might want to check out. Great prices, free shipping!

Unemployed...Be an Affiliate - Do You Need Any Money...

Now that you are unemployed, you still need to make money.  Bills are coming in and your checking and or savings is dwindling.  What can you do that may not cost you any money, or very little money.  Why not try affiliate marketing?

What is affiliate marketing?  This is when you promote another person's service or product with a small percentage of the profit going back to you. As an affiliate you refer back to the seller's site directly. So basically you are are the "referring" person not the direct seller.  At least that's how I would describe it.

You do not do any shipping or handling of the product itself.  That stays with the seller.

There are ways to be an affiliate without shoveling out any money.  Here are some main points to consider:
  • Sign up with an affiliate marketing service. I have never seen a charge for this.  As an affiliate, you can pick the available products or services that you would like to represent or promote.
  • Establish a base from which you will promote as an affiliate.  The best free one to do this from is signing up as a blogger.  This blog you are reading from and thousand other blogs through Blogger (Google blogspot) cost nothing.  
  • Write a blog about something you are knowledgeable about and or passionate about.  The more experience you have, the easier it will be to post articles.
  • You can promote your blog on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media networks.  Bringing the reader back to your site will allow them to see what affiliate products you are promoting.
  • When one of your readers clicks on the link on your site, they will be taken to the product or service being promoted. They will then have the opportunity to buy the item.
  • Once the person clicks on the product and "buys" a small commission will go back to you.

My sidebar shows a link to the affiliate network I like to use, ShareASale. If you sign up, I get a small commission.  Better yet, check out all the merchants on the site and see which ones you would like to promote.

Affiliate marketing might just be what you need to make some extra money.

Whether Employed or Not--Starting and Keeping a New Habit Is Challenging

It's always challenging when we decide to start something new, like a habit, in our life.  Of course, if you are currently working, your hours may already be strained with other essential commitments.  If you are currently looking for work, in the unemployed lines, then the time is there to start developing a positive habit but not necessarily the desire.  In both instances, here are a few tips that may help you kickstart a new habit that in time could profit your health, happiness, and pocketbook.

1.  Work on one habit at a time. Start small.  At times, we get an idea to do something and we go to the extreme on it. It must be a human thing.  However, we soon get discouraged because we can't finish the task we set out to complete.  Shoot low and reasonably.  If you want to add more vegetables to your diet that is currently deficient, then start with one added vegetable a day.  If you have left off juicing because time has gotten away from you, then start with a fresh juice every three days. Remember at first to keep the habit small and consistent.

2.  Have a good reason for this new habit.  In other words, concentrate on why you are starting this habit and its benefits.  Post a note in an obvious location as to the benefits of this new habit. Motivation, although small, can work its magic.  Perhaps you have trouble smiling and want to smile more.  Yes, nobody likes a grouch.  Try and make one person smile back at you when you smile at them. Do daily. Now you have brightened your day and theirs.  I'd say that's a good reason to continue your smiling habit.

3. Share or not to share with a friend.  Personally for me sharing doesn't always work. The added pressure of someone watching does not help me.  I do better if I keep it to myself if I am starting a new regimen or habit.  Believe me, I can be pretty tough on myself. However, some people need to share with someone.  Sharing with a buddy can help many people to continue their habit and stay accountable.  Just make sure you and your buddy have open communication or it will not help.

4. Don't give up or view as failure.  I could quote some sayings here, but basically it has been said that a new habit takes 21 days to form.  Don't look at it as failure.  Look at as a learning experience, especially about yourself.  You are learning what works and what doesn't work for you.

5.  Not all habits are equal.  Some habits that we need to form are of a serious nature and can be critical in our life.  A lifetime habit can be hard to stop while trying to incorporate a new one.  More serious things should be regulated and consulted with by professionals.

6.  Have a sense of humor.  Finding laughter in a new habit can lighten the air and actually help you to stay on track.  As with all things in life. laughter can get you through the smallest and biggest problems of life.

So my friend, start with one facet of your new habit, start small, reason on its benefits, don't give up, and by all means, learn to laugh at yourself (the good, bad, and ugly).  Remember, most good habits will lead to positive things such as better health, happiness, and possibly a profitable pocketbook.  

Sharpen Your Interviewing Skills

Photo - Pixabay.com

Oh the joys of going on a new job interview.  You know--the sweating palms and racing heart.  Can you prepare in a way that may shave off some of the fear and lack of confidence?  Yes.  Here is a link to a free video with additional training and information that may help you.  There are some great testimonials by people that have applied the advice in the video.  Let me know if this video helps you personally. The video is by Deniz Sasal. Here is the Landing Interviews Video.

Entrepreneurs--Don't Put All Your Eggs In One Basket

No doubt many times you have heard the expression "don't put all your eggs in one basket." However, for entrepreneurs that could mean the difference between making or losing a sale. In previous articles of this blog I have discussed different types of businesses you might look into to make money when unemployed.  Here though is an additional aspect to consider when starting your own business: diversify!  Yes, diversity is the name of the game in this challenging economic environment that becomes increasingly competitive each day.  So what does it mean to diversify?

Basically, when you diversify you offer or create variety of your product or service. The more things you offer your customer means they will get more for their money. That's a win for them.  As such, you also have a greater chance of hitting something they need or want.  Of course, never sacrifice quality. Remember, quality and price can and should be brothers. How then do you diversify?

Keep it simple.  Once you have started your small business and interchange with your customers, you will see what additional things they may be looking for. Realistically look at your abilities, talents, cost factors, and time involvement when determining your next direction.  You could have a trial-run with a few customers to determine if it is a money maker and something you could enthusiastically support. If it drains too much from your original intent of your business or doesn't feel right, you'll know not to launch the additional service or product.

Here are some examples of diversification:
  • dog walking combined with house sitting and shopping
  • house cleaning combined with shopping
  • house painting combined with power washing
  • companion care combined with dog sitting or dog walking
  • accounting service combined with notary service
  • lunch deliveries combined with homemade bake goods
  • car wash combined with pick-up and delivery services
  • wedding planning combined with center piece arrangements
  • wedding cakes combined with cookies for wedding or family
  • private car detailing combined with grass cutting
One of the best examples of diversification is Handy.com, a cleaning service based in NYC. This company has an excellent web site for booking and explaining their services.  Their extra services include deeper cleaning of specific areas in the home that are not part of most general cleaning services.  Learn from others how they have diversified.  You don't always need to re-invent the wheel.

Hopefully, you get the idea.  In addition, do not forget to check with your local authorities to make sure you are meeting all legal and licensing requirements.  Get your thinking caps on and get busy with diversification.

Do You Have A Sick Car Just Putting Along?

When your budget tightens up ironically your car suddenly has everything wrong with it.  I know, I have been there.  However, regular maintenance and repair are essential to the longevity of an automobile.  Unfortunately, a job loss or staying in an under-employed position may keep you from performing the necessary car repairs to safely stay on the road.

Several years ago, I wrote an article about the millions of sick cars on the road.  I am including the link here because there may some helpful hints to help you in the upkeep of your car's maintenance. Let's be honest, cars are a headache and whole lot of money to maintain.  Here's my link:
Sick Cars--Millions May Be on the Road .

Everyone Needs to Look Up Now and Then

This is certainly an odd title, "Everyone Needs to Look Up Now and Then."  I finished working with one of my clients the other night when I for some odd reason sat on the couch and looked up. I had been in this room many times but never noticed the beautiful fan fixture and high arched ceiling.  At that moment it struck me that we go through our every day life focused on what we have to do and at times miss seeing things around us.  Some of these things we miss are inconsequential; however, not everything.  What could you learn from visually looking up?

Everyone from time to time gets caught up in what they are doing.  In many cases, you need to be focused to complete your task.  However, looking up should have a deeper fulfillment and meaning. The next day after noticing the ceiling fan, I looked up at the sky.  No I mean really "looked."  My conclusion was a reminder of the complexity and beauty that surround us. It is humbling when you consider your small contribution to an already existent dynamic world. Why consider the quality of humility?

For the most part, people are taught to be assertive and strong.  That's fine at the right time. Yet, the quality of humility should lace your life.  A humble person considers other people and their feelings. Their speech and tone is considerate and not arrogant when dealing in various situations. Being humble, let's not forget kind, will positively affect your life.  Humility allows you to tap into the challenges others face. When other people feel you care, communication opens up. When communication opens, your world changes.  This applies in every situation in life.

Employed or unemployed, look up now and then.  Allow yourself to try and understand the bigger picture of things surrounding you.  See that the world around you is dynamic, complex, and intriguing. Slow down, look up, and connect with the smaller less noticeable things in life which may make a huge difference in your life.  Oh, and when you do look up, make sure you know why the sky is blue!

Unemployed or Employed--Should You Decompress?


At times the sudden loss of a job can throw you totally off your game. Even for those who are well aware they will be unemployed at a future date it can be challenging.  In addition, living in this stressful world life is full of many unexpected and expected markers.  Facing these daily challenges of family issues, aging, sickness, and many more things too numerous to mention can mount up without you realizing its negative impact on you.  So, what can you do?  Yes, decompress.

To decompress simply means to release something from pressure or compression. Obviously, you can't hide under a rock. Life will continue to throw you stuff. However, you can for a short period of time do a few things to relieve your pressure so you can feel in charge and back on track again.  Here are a few things that might help you.

1.  Let your friends know that you are in a decompress mode for a while.  Let them know you do not want to discuss negative events or problems.  It's time to fill your mind with positive reflections.

2.  Cut down your exposure to electronic devices such as your PC or smartphone.  Stop checking your e-mail every few minutes.  You can program your phone to only ring on ones you have specified such as immediate family members.  Not sure if all phones have this feature.  Simplify for a while.

3.  Connect with nature.  Whatever the season, take a walk outside.  If weather warrants it, take a stroll through your favorite park.  Don't use this time to think about problems; use this time to relax and create positive thoughts.

4.  Do something that relaxes you such as going to the movies, painting a picture, or reading a new book.  Make sure you do something you wouldn't normally do because of your busy schedule.  Make time for YOU.

5.  Get a little bit more sleep.  The majority of adults today do not get enough rest.  They stay up too late watching television or surfing the web.  Healing of the body and mind requires the right amount of sleep to rejuvenate.

6.  Get a massage or manicure.  The relaxation of a good massage can do wonders to relieve your pressure.

7.  Don't jump back into the rat race too soon.  Take enough time to get your bearings and equilibrium back again.

Trying to decompress is not easy.  Once you have mastered this though, you will begin to handle life's greatest challenges again, even finding a job.  Also, don't be afraid to decompress for a day if you feel on overload. The world will be yours again with sharpened clarity and regained balance.

Unemployed--Get Up and Move

Yes, it may be time for you to get up and start moving.  Don't get me wrong, I know you have been trying to find the right job, etc. etc.   However, the fall of the year has some unique benefits that can actually get you moving, not backward, but forward.  What do I mean?

Everyone gets sluggish from time to time.  It's even worse when you have more time on our hands, energy drained.  For many people, the colors of fall such as the bright oranges and shades of red and violet serve to energize. Research indicates that the body pumps more adrenaline as you observe the more vivid colors.  This explains, at least for me, why in the fall of the year I feel more creative and a drive to physically work.  So take advantage of this time to once again look at your job choices with a fresh perspective and clearer focus.  You may be surprised what opportunities may open up for you. Take action and move.

Another thing that I have noticed in the fall, is that the air feels crisp and the skies can be so clear. Personally, while walking outside I feel that I get greater mental clarity; yes, I think clearer. Try it. If this is your experience, then use this window of time wisely.  Get rid of clutter (both mental and physical), revisit your priorities, make small mini-attainable goals, and balance your life. Keep it simple. Just move while the iron is hot.

Unemployed...Don't Give Up

Today's weather was stormy and black.  However, within a few hours the bad weather had lifted and the sun was shining brightly.  I thought...this is life.  I know it sounds corny.  Yet, whether unemployed or even employed, life will continue to throw you some tough curves.  Don't give up. If you are patient, you will see the sun shine again!

How to Be Happy Unemployed

Can you be unemployed and happy at the same time?  Of course you can.  You may not be thrilled with the fact that you have lost your job, bills still need to be paid, resumes galore must be sent out and the third-degree type interviews are bound to happen.  However, as I have said several times on this blog, life does go on. How can you be happy while unemployed or underemployed in a world based on financial success is all in how you view your success in life.

Do not measure your success or happiness by what you have or don't have.  Success should be measured by your character and your integrity.  Good character and integrity are priceless. Oddly though financial success, or striving for it, has given way to the broken character of many men over the centuries. So what does that mean to you?  You may have lost a job, or are very under-employed, but it is your integrity along with positive character-building qualities that count. Take inventory. How does your inner core values stand up to these questions?
  • Although unemployed, would you take a job that was against all your core principles or values because the money was good?
  • Would you tell the truth about a matter if it meant losing your bonus?
  • What comes first in your life?... God, family, money, or self?
  • Do you believe good honest work at a lower pay rate is honorable if it is not illegal or immoral? Better yet, how do you view people working these type of jobs?
  • Do you find yourself losing your temper more often since you lost your job?
  • Are you less patient at this time in your life with your children, or your spouse?
  • What positive character traits, i.e. honesty, loyalty, commitment, and sincerity do you value the most?
  • Are you so consumed with your own situation that you cannot or have not shown compassion to ones in need?
Just points everyone, regardless of being employed or not, should consider. Your view of success goes hand-in-hand with happiness.  Sticking to your true core values (hopefully, they are good ones), and recognizing them, will give you contentment which equals happiness.  If you get a chance read this poem I wrote a while back. It sheds light on who we really are...  Inside Out

Yesterday's Opportunities Should Be Today's Special Moments

Well, this next year looks promising. The economy appears to have turned around.  However, if you are reading my blog you no doubt are recently unemployed or are still reaching out for that great job. What's interesting about life though is that it is in constant transition.  Things will always be changing around us--whether it's the job market, your health, or personal issues.  Over the last year significant events in my own life have required my attention. In processing this, a reminder jumped out loud and clear--put priorities first not problems.  What do I mean?

Solving and dealing with problems is just part of living.  Somehow you will continue to work through issues that arise from time to time in your life.  However, will the anxiety of handling daily problems dominate your very being?  When you become consumed with your problems, you may miss out on more important issues, opportunities and moments that you would have otherwise taken care of or happily indulged in.  Here are a few reminders:
  • Have you recently called your sibling/s or parents to see how they are doing?  How much more special this is if they live many miles away?
  • Have you recently checked out your pet's current health?  When you are consumed with problems, you may not recognize your beloved pet is not up to par.
  • Have you neglected to carry out a promise you made to someone?
  • Have you taken a walk with someone you love?
  • Have you checked out your own health?  Are you taking better care of yourself today than yesterday?
  • Have you visited anyone ill, elderly, or just needing encouragement? These may be moments you will never forget or get back again.
  • Has spirituality been an avenue you have been putting on the back burner?
  • Have you made a Living Will?  Hopefully, this doesn't sound morbid. However, it is common for many people to put this off when really it is a vital document.
  • Have you recently taken a mini-vacation somewhere to relax and restore your sanity?
  • Have you adjusted your eating habits to accommodate your needs and not just that of the entire family? Again, it is common for a parent to put their own needs secondary to that of the family.
  • Most importantly, have you recently told your family and friends how much you love them?
Yes, you will be able to solve some but not all of your unique problems; but, do not let them consume you.  Do not miss out on the more important things.  Whether it is work or family issues, life has a way of working these things out.  Just remember yesterday's opportunities should be today's special moments.

Not Employed Might Be Your Fault Now

You are still not working despite your best efforts to find employment.  Granted, the last few years have been rough for millions in a sick economy.    However, before you get too defensive, let me tell you what I am talking about.  If you have been unemployed for a number of years and you do not collect unemployment anymore, it is time to kick-start some type of work in your life.  Why?
The longer you are not generating work for yourself, the harder it is to get back into the routine of things. As time goes on, you may even begin to doubt your own self-worth.   Stop now.  You are valuable in so many ways. Each and every human being has honorable qualities and positive skills that are beneficial to themselves and others.  That being said, what are some options you can explore?

Besides temporary jobs, self-employment, and going back to school, there are other opportunities. Stop looking for the same type of work in the same fields.  Don't look at the pay scale either. What? For instance, look at what type of things you like to do outside work.  Do you enjoy shopping, swimming, or cooking?  There are jobs in all of these fields you may want to consider. A person who enjoys shopping might enjoy working in a retail store that sells fashionable clothing. Or, if you like sports, what about some type of job working at a health club? Do you see where I am going with this? It's more important that you get back out into the workplace despite the salary you may have made before. This would be a positive and forward direction.

Let's say for example that you get a job working at Starbucks Coffee Company.  Not your field of work; nevertheless, you are working.  What could be some benefits to consider?  Here are a few: 
  1. Meeting People Again
  2. Learning a New Skill
  3. Making Some Money
  4. Ability to Network 
  5. Self-Esteem Soars
  6. Realization That Your Life Isn't That Bad After All!
  7. Breaking the Couch-Potato Syndrome
  8. Establishing a Routine Again
  9. Happier 
  10. Additional Employment to List On Your Resume
I wrote this post not to upset or offend you.  No doubt you truly have tried your best to no avail when it has come to work.  I wanted to encourage you to try something different, perhaps not part of your mindset.  Although I am retired, I have recently been working as a companion caregiver. This is totally different than my experience in administrative work.  However, it has been great--a real eye-opener to the world of the elderly,  I have a learned a lot of new things I didn't have a clue about.  

You have nothing to lose at this point.  Be bold and adventurous!  Happiness can come from the least suspected areas...

Changing Your Response to Change Equals Positive Results

For many people change is a not a welcome friend.  However, as times goes on you soon find out that life is always changing.  Very few things stay the same.  Example--millions have been knocked out of their so called "secure jobs" thrust into a tailspin. Yes, many changes occur whether we want them or not.  What about you? Are you a professional that recently lost your job after many years of expertise in your field?  Or, perhaps you are contemplating a change in careers because you are just unhappy with the present situation you find yourself in? How you respond to change in any of these situations could determine your future success and yes, even your happiness.

When it comes to change, please consider the following...

  • With regard to employment, most people are good at a number of things.  Just because you have picked one job over another, does not mean you can't do other types of work; and actually be good at it.  Consider embracing something new as an adventure.
  • You successfully adjust to change daily without even thinking about it.  Seasonal changes, traffic situations, unexpected phone calls, are just a few changes that alter the moment.  Bigger events requiring adjustments in your life may be just as easy adjusting to depending on your perception. Ride the change; don't buck every turn and twist.
  • Many changes can be reversed or just stopped if you really don't care for them.  Of course, caution is advised if it is something hard to reverse. Look before you leap. There are some changes that are permanent.
  • Give yourself ample time to accept the change in your life.  The average time according to research that a new behavior becomes a habit takes about 66 days (of course for some it may be less or more time). 
Life can be an adventure if you are willing to change and be flexible when needed.  Many opportunities are right at your doorstep, yes a foot away.  Remember, only a few tweaks here and there may make the difference.  Go for it my friend.

A great read, with a new approach on how to look at life, success, and happiness is the
book ... 
U Turn Your Life: 5 Simple Steps to Achieve Success ? Starting Now!

Save Hundreds of Dollars Streaming--Use Roku

Unemployed, under-employed, or just want one of the best deals around?  Of course you do.  There is a great way to save money and still get quality entertainment.  Start streaming.   What is streaming?   How much of a savings are you really talking about? Will I still have great entertainment? These are all fair questions.

In non-technical terms, streaming is basically compressed data that is transmitted to your television via a wireless internet connection and a streaming device. You will be able to see programs pertaining to exercise, food, news, music, education and thousands of movies and other topics of interest in the privacy of your own home. I personally use the Roku system and love it.  Depending on which Roku box or streaming stick you choose, you will get 1,000 + channels including many that are free. For a minimal monthly fee, you can also purchase additional channels such as Netflix and Hulu Plus. These stations also offer television episodes of some of your classical favorites. Some other channels give you the capability of purchasing or renting newly released movies without leaving your driveway.  Great feature in bad weather.

Unlike your cable bill that continues month after month, your purchase of the Roku is a one-time payment. Think of the hundreds of dollars you will save!  Of course, do not cancel your internet service.  Remember, the second item you need is a wireless internet connection.  If you don't have a wireless connection, it is easy to set up.  Your local internet provider can help you.  You will need your wireless username and password to set up the Roku box.  Don't worry it is easy...

There are other streaming devices on the market.  Our home purchased the basic Roku system a few years ago and have had many quality hours of entertainment for ourselves as well as my grandchildren. I forgot to mention the many children's stations and movies for the little ones. This alone is worth its purchase.

For further details and purchase, please follow the  Roku link in the sidebar. You don't need to be a technical guru to set this up.  The instructions are as easy as 1, 2, and 3!
Have fun...

Making Money With a Small Business

Sending out an endless amount of resumes with no positive response can be discouraging.  In addition, the longer you are out of work, it may be increasingly harder to find profitable work.  However, have you ever considered starting your own small business?

Starting your own business does not have to be an elaborate and difficult achievement.  If you have the desire to make money and the courage to brave something new, you could be in for a great experience. Here are a few areas to consider in starting your own business:
  • Landscaping 
  • Cleaning (residential)
  • Pet Sitting/Dog Walking
  • Personal Shopper
  • Sewing
  • House Painting
  • Pressure Washing Houses or Buildings
  • Resume Writing
  • House Sitting
  • Laundry (include ironing)
  • Babysitting
  • Crafts for Sale
  • Car Washing
  • Window Washing
  • Snow Removal 
Now is time to tap into your inner and outer resources.  Get out of your comfort zone and try something new.  You may not make a bundle; however, every little extra you do make will help pay those never-ending bills.  

Here is a link to my kindle book on amazon, How to Start a Cleaning Business on a Poor Man's Budget Some of the steps for this small business can be applied to many other smaller-type businesses.  Since you may not currently be working at the job of your dreams, why not try working for yourself.  You may even come up with another idea for entrepreneurship.  Just go for it!

To Move or Not to Move for Work

If you have been unemployed for some time, you may have pondered moving out of your local area to find plausible work.  Perhaps "the grass looks greener on the other side."  Realistically though, each person must weigh out the pros and cons unique to their situation.  I have moved across country several times during this economic snag. Here are some things that I observed in my travels that may be helpful to you:
  • Check the Unemployment Rate - Take a look at the unemployment rate in the area you may move to.  If the rate is at the top of the list or higher than your present location, you may want to reconsider moving or checking out what skills or trades are actually hiring in the area. Local newspapers may give you an idea of what companies and the type of positions that are hiring.   U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • Cost of Living - You definitely need to look at the cost of living factors in the new location. For instance, some areas of Florida have very high rent coupled with low wages.  I repeat, some areas.  You should do your homework.  Look at the real estate market in the area.  What are the homes valued at?  What are the rents?  What are the grocery prices ?  You get the picture.
  • Transportation - Does the city of your choice offer public transportation?  If not, how will you get around if your vehicle breaks down? Is it a rural area?  If your car needs repair, what kind of prices are the mechanics charging? All of this matters when it comes to gasoline prices and upkeep of your vehicle.  Also consider if your car insurance rates may change.
  • Medical Needs - You no doubt will need to find a new doctor and dentist.  Personal recommendations are always helpful; this may take a little time as you make new acquaintances.  However, if you have any special medical needs, you may want to consult the local hospitals and other medical agencies before moving.
  • Degree or Certification - Is your particular degree or certification honored by the state you are moving to?  If you want to use your credentials, this might be your first step in deciding to move or not. 
  • Flexibility - Are you a flexible person?  I don't mean physically!  Is it easy or hard for you to adjust or accept differences in surroundings, attitudes, cultures, or methods of doing things? No two places are exactly the same.  Is the area drastically different than what you are use to--or just slightly? 
  • Friendliness -  A friendly person will find it easier to meet  people and ask questions when needed.  How easy is it for you to talk to strangers? 
  • Relatives or Close Friends - Do you know anyone, family member or close friend, in this new location?  A relative or close friend can give you tips on where to eat and shop, what areas of town to avoid, and what social events take place, etc. 
This is just a short list of what I encountered in my moving across country several times.   There are many more things to consider before jumping the fence onto "supposed greener grass."  On the other hand, if you are a friendly, flexible, and a focused person, you may be in for the adventure of a lifetime.  Only you can make that decision.  Just make sure you do your homework and know that some sacrifices may be necessary.  If possible, visit the location you are considering, get a local newspaper to get a feel for things, and talk to as many people as possible.  Good fortune to you my friend.

    Your Best Five Qualities--Safeguard Your Self-Esteem

    Unfortunately, we would like to say everyone is employed and working happily ever after. However, it just isn't so.  Unemployment is rampant across the world.  If you are in the ranks of the unemployed, what are you doing to keep your self-esteem and spirits up?  Have you recently taken inventory of your top five best qualities? 

    One of the first things to go down when you lose a job, especially through no fault of your own, is your self-esteem.  Most companies have made cuts as across-the-board layoffs.  As such, the quality of work along with your great character no doubt were not taken into consideration.  If they did consider your top-notch work and still added you to the ranks of the unemployed, then "shame on them."

    If you have been feeling down, now is time for you to look at your top five best qualities.  Why is this so important?  Worldwide there has been an increase in suicides.  Many experts believe this is a reflection of the economic downturn.  See my article, Recession and Depression--Coping Skills You May Need.  Although many other factors have contributed to the suicide rates, negative feelings certainly do not help the equation.  Everyone faces negative situations on a daily basis.  When you start to feel your problems are overwhelming, it is time to stop and take inventory of the positives.  So let's get started...

    Since some people may not know where to begin, let me suggest some qualities you may not have considered about yourself (I am sure you can list many more)...

    • Are you a kind person?  Do you try and help someone less advantaged than you?
    • Are you loyal?  Loyalty is greatly lacking today; at all levels.  This is a wonderful asset.
    • Are you a good listener?  Listening is an art.  If you already possess this great skill, then be happy.
    • Do you love to smile?  Smiling is contagious, warm, and inviting. 
    • Are you patient?  Patient people actually are healthier and at times less stressed than other people. 
    • Are you punctual?  Other people like it when you are on time. It shows your courteous and respectful side.
    • Are you industrious?  An industrious person completes the job and is dependable. 
    • Are you a good cleaner?  This is important.  Having a clean home or environment is a welcome mat for visitors and a comforting place for members of your household.
    • Are you a moral person? Today, morality of any kind is disregarded too quickly.  It is refreshing to find a person with strong morals.
    These are some qualities I came up with that you may be wonderfully endowed with.  Don't take for granted your good qualities.  We live in an age when character is tossed aside too easily.  You may lose your job and money but nobody can take your character, made up of all your lovely qualities,  away from you.  Keep your self-esteem. 


    Temp Jobs May Be Your Next Option


    If you are reading this blog, you may be one of the millions of people that have found themselves unemployed over the last few years.  While a portion of people are still collecting unemployment others have fallen off the unemployment ranks and just stopped looking for work.  Please do not be downhearted. There may be another option for you.  Have you considered temping?

    By "temping" we are referring to taking a job on a temporary basis either through an agency or directly from the company. In the past, you may have put a "thumbs down" to such an idea.  However, more and more companies are hiring employees on a temporary basis. Here are a some benefits you might receive if choosing a temporary position:
    • You can spruce up your skills.  We all get rusty if our skills are not being fully utilized. Temping is a perfect opportunity to get your groove back.
    • Learn a new skill.  At times, your assignment or job may have need of some skills you
      may not have.  Many employers that hire "temps" are willing to teach you a new method, skill, or procedure. The newly mastered skill can then be added onto your resume.
    • Being employed as a "temp" looks good on your resume when sending to potential
      employers.  Prospective employers like to see that you have an industrious spirit.
    • Networking.  Whenever you are a temporary worker you will have the opportunity to
      network with other employees and at times depending on the business--prospective
    • If you are a good worker, and the timing is right, you might transition into the same
      job as a permanent worker or springboard into another position that opens up with the
    • As long as you complete your temp job and continue to look for work once the job is
      finished, you might be able to accumulate earned weeks toward future unemployment.  Of course, that will depend upon your benefit year eligibility and the state's legal requirements.
    • Earning a paycheck throughout the year may qualify you  for the "earned income tax credit" with regard to your dependent children.  Check with your tax preparer to make sure what the tax law requires and your tax status.
    • Pays bills.  This is helpful!
    • Restores your self-worth.  Unfortunately, losing a job has a way of stripping  your
      positive spirit. Having a routine again may put zip back into your step.
    Temping may not necessarily get you your dream job; but there are opportunities to find.
    Look into the temporary jobs in your area, check with temp agencies, and check online too.  Temping may be the right option for you at this time with some unique benefits.