Budget Pet Care


Don't Be a Part of Workplace Gossip

Unfortunately no matter how nice the job is, you may still encounter workplace gossip. What exactly is gossip? Although by definition gossip can refer to chatty talk, it most often refers to habitually revealing personal or sensational facts about someone or rumor or report of an intimate nature.  For those of you that have been unemployed for some time, you may have forgotten how harmful workplace gossip can be.  Yes, I said "harmful."  Why is workplace gossip harmful?  How can you avoid being a part of it?

Why is workplace gossip harmful?  Here are a few reasons why you should avoid gossip:
  • Factual or not, revealing and spreading personal information about someone can result in distorted or outright untruths about an individual.  A person's character and name could be orally slandered which could lead to defamation of character.
  • Even if the gossip is true, is it something you want to spread?  Would you want someone spreading information around about your personal life?  Put the shoe on the other foot.
  • Defamation of character, by reason of slander, can lead to a lawsuit you don't want!
  • Gossip could actually cause a person to lose their job--your job and the person you are slandering.
  • Gossip can create tension and uneasiness in the workplace between co-workers.
  • You could be known as a gossiper. Nobody wants to be known as a gossiper. Once you are labeled, it may take a long time for people to trust in you again.
  • Gossiping can lead into bullying.  Bullying of any kind is hurtful to those being abused, and is also illegal in certain states with legal penalties.
  • You are paid to work for your employer; not get involved in gossip.
How can you avoid workplace gossip?

  • Go to work to WORK! The busier you are the least likely you are to get involved in workplace gossip.
  • If others try to pull you into a conversation that may be heading toward gossiping, try and change the subject or walk away.  
  • If current employees try to persuade you to think badly of a co-worker, as a new employee, give everyone a fair shake.  Just because someone else had a bad experience with someone doesn't mean you will.  In other words, give everyone you work with the "benefit of the doubt."
  • Do not be part of a click. 
  • If you are privy to personal information, keep it to yourself.
  • Practice the "golden rule." If you wouldn't say it or reveal it about yourself, then don't reveal it about others.
  • If it isn't positive or kind, then don't repeat it.  That's pretty easy!
These are some common-sense suggestions that should be reminders to all of us in the workplace to avoid gossip.  For those re-entering the job market, you may have forgotten how easy it is to get sucked into the gossiping trap.  However, with a little wisdom and self-control, you don't have to fall into the twisting vortex called gossip.

    Good Manners May Seal Your Next Job Interview

    Good manners may make or break your job interview. When on an interview do you smile, greet the potential employer, and when appropriate shake their hand? Do you say "please" and "thank you"? Do you find yourself interrupting the interviewer? All of these are questions you might want to consider before the interview.

    Most people just enjoy being around a considerate person. Working with a considerate person is a bonus. Let the employer know you are that person. No doubt your skills and work experience will be the primary area the employer is looking at. However, having good manners may actually put you over the top and land you the job.

    Here's something else to think about. Manners, specifically greeting people, have gone wayside. However, certain areas of our country seem to take the lead in good manners. Read my latest article, Are You a Fine Southern Gentleman?, orignally posted at Blog Critics.

    What Are the Seven Blessings of the Unemployed?

    So you haven't worked for a while, and things have not been easy.   However, despite the negatives there are many positives or blessings to be grateful for.   Here are seven reasons to be happy:


    • With limited funds you are forced to prioritize your entire life.  How?  Realistically, with less money your budget will eliminate your "wants" and keep your "needs."  You now can focus on the more important things in your life.
    • You have much more time to spend with your family; you also have a lot more time for yourself to meditate and process life's changes.  You may want to set some new goals.
    • Consider new ways to entertain your family and friends.  Instead of going on expensive excursions, have family night with friends.  Game night together with some popcorn can be great fun.
    • Extra time to volunteer.  Taking your mind off of your problems and looking to see what you can do to help others is another source of happiness.  There is More Happiness in Giving Than There Is In Receiving--Volunteer at a woman's shelter, animal shelter, or whatever cause moves you.  Just do it.  This may be the single most positive change in your life.
    • Eat less meat and more vegetables and fruit.  Many health experts agree that less red meat is the way to go for a healthier you.  This should also fit into your budget quite nicely.
    • Exercise and fresh air should be your daily routine.  No more crammed days leaves you time to get out and either walk, run, or bike.  Perhaps all three once you get your second wind!
    • Time to take up that hobby you always wanted to do.  If it's too expensive, pick a new one.  I personally like to write poetry--it cost nothing but a pencil and paper.
    So here are seven great reasons to be happy.  Less money can actually equal  a better quality of life.  Isn't that what we all want?

    It May Be Time to Look At Part-Time Positions

    At this point in time, many unemployed have tried everything to land a full-time job. Sadly, for millions of people it just hasn't happened. At this point, you may need to change gears. It's time to look at the part-time positions available for you.

    Actually due to the economy, many companies are favoring part-time work. Here are a few of the part-time positions I have seen advertised in the newspaper, posted on job sites on the internet, or heard about by word-of-mouth:

    • Cashiering - CVS Drugstore and Blockbuster (Check Local Stores)
    • Green Jobs - Check With the Unemployment Agency in Your Area (Gulf Area Especially)
    • Sales Agents - Department Stores Within Malls Especially During Holiday or Busy Seasons
    • Cleaning - Personally Ask Business Owners If They Need Someone to Clean For Them
      (Don't Forget to Check Local Requirements for Licensing If You Work For Yourself)
    • Craigslist.org - Posts a Variety of Part-Time Positions (Check All Drop-Downs)
    These are just a few ideas. Remember, there is no reason why you can't juggle two part-time jobs! Good fortune to you.

    Job Seekers Be Flexible--Not Foolish

    It's been a few few weeks since I have posted.  However, as you already know, the unemployment rate has slightly dropped.  For most Americans that's a  glimmer of hope on the horizon.  So with that glimmer in mind, millions continue to plug ahead with great persistence and flexibility hoping to land a job.  In some cases any job.

    Yes, the key word here is flexibility.  We must assess our past experience, abilities, and potential to learn new things.  Looking at the job market from this aspect opens up a larger window of opportunity.  As that window opens and we peer deeper inside though, we need to be careful the window doesn't slam shut on us.  What do I mean?  This--as job seekers
    willing to exercise flexibility, we must not be foolish. Taking any job may not be the answer.   Please read my article Job Seekers Be Flexible--Not Foolish before delving into a new job.  Trust me, when you go against all your natural inclinations, it doesn't work.  Let me know how you like the article. 

    One Aspect of Unemployment They Don't Pound

    So what do I mean by "one aspect of unemployment they don't pound" ? I have worked part-time on odd jobs and reported to the unemployment bureau every two weeks what I received. Anything over $50.00 was deducted from my weekly benefit amount and the remainder of the benefit amount issued. The negative side of this was that the check or direct deposit takes a lot longer to be issued.

    Although this information regarding part-time employment is online and in the information you are to read when you first go on unemployment, it's not something that is broadcast or boldly made to stand out. Consequently, some people are not aware of the fact that they can work part-time and still receive their benefits as long as the wages do not exceed the weekly benefit amount. Of course, they still need to actively seek full-time employment at a pay rate similar to what they lost before they filed. Recently, a brother to a friend of mine wasn't aware he could have been getting the rest of his weekly benefit amount less his gross amount in wages. Once he was informed this was possible, he immediately went to the bureau in his state and re-opened his claim. Now he is glad that he can at least pay his bills and still keep looking for a job similar to the one he had before this whole nightmare began.

    How to Exercise With The Kids...

    You're not working and you decide it's about time to take some positive action--exercise. One of the best of incentives is to get the entire family working out together. Go to my website, http://www.tidbitsforhealthyliving.com/, and read the article "Kids Exercises--Family Fun Equals Healthier Kids." The obesity percentage for our kids may surprise you.