Let's face it. The first few weeks we become unemployed isn't so bad. We get to sleep in, eat when we want, and channel surf our favorite TV shows all day long in our pajamas. However, this lifestyle of the soon-to-be-poor if we don't get a job can get out of control. Before we know it bad habits set in. Before you turn that bend, there are things you can do to stop the "fat gremlin." Here are six ideas that can help kick-start you into shape for a healthier you.
Include Fiber in Your Breakfast
Now that you are not rushing out the door to work in the morning you have time to slowly eat a nutritious breakfast. Most of us at one time or another have been guilty of grabbing anything eatable to start our day. Why not try adding some fiber to your breakfast. Eating enough fiber may play a significant role in the prevention of some major diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Better yet, no more constipation.
Make an Exercise Schedule
This doesn't have to be difficult. Get a piece of paper out and enter what type of exercise you would like to do each day. You don't need to dish out money and join a gym. Save money and look around the house. Are there any old exercise tapes, DVD's, or exercise equipment getting dusty that you forgot about in your closet? If so, go for it! I discovered I had a wonderful Richard Simmons tape just waiting for me to start sweating with. If you're not so fortunate, another option is to visit your local library. They always have fitness workout DVD's, tapes, and books. In addition, there is Hulu Plus. At
Hulu Plus you can try out free for thirty days the Daily Burn. Or, Hulu Plus also has some other great short exercise clips you get if you subscribe with them for a small monthly fee.
Start Juicing Juicing is work. There are no shortcuts to juicing. However, the rewards are worth it. In time you will feel more energetic and just overall healthier. There are great juicing internet sites containing many tips for beginners like yourself. Since you have more time now to prepare, drink, and unfortunately cleanup after yourself, now is the perfect time to start juicing. There are all kinds of juicing recipes on the internet. Just Google away!
Start a Backyard Garden
Juicing may not be for you. That's okay, just start a backyard garden with that extra time you have. You may have a minimal investment in the seeds, plants, and tools to start the project. The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that for every $100 spent on gardening, yields $1,000 to $1,700 worth of produce. What a great way to save money and get great nutrition with fresh organic vegetables straight from the garden for your family. Even Michelle Obama started a White House Garden, and was quite successful. If you don't know where to start with your garden or just need some guidance, learn how Michelle started her garden, what vegetables she planted, and the process she used.
Drink More WaterI never drink enough water when I am working a forty-hour week. Since our bodies are made up of approximately 60-70% water, most of us need to drink more water than we do. A nutritional internet site says we should be drinking in ounces half of our body weight. If you are 140 pounds, you should be drinking 70 ounces a day. Drink an adequate amount of water, and you will be energized throughout the day.
Volunteer or Encourage One Person a Week
Get out of the house and volunteer. Volunteers are accepted in hospitals, wildlife organizations, and local shelters. If you don't want to volunteer, at least call or write one person a week that needs encouragement. By focusing on others you will be encouraged and aglow with a new spirit.
A happy person is a healthier person.
You may be unemployed, but you don't have to feel sluggish and out of shape. Starting today you can replace bad habits with good habits. By implementing some or all of these suggestions, you will feel better. So get up off the couch and start getting in shape. The right job is just waiting for the new you!
For more healthier living tips read
Feel Good--Easy Ways to Put Pep Back In Your Step .